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Ministers Speaking Notes – MSBG Cheaque Sigining 200218

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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18 Sep, 2018

Indian High Commissioner, H.E. Vishvas Sapkal

Permanent Secretary for Industry,  Trade and Tourism,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I welcome you, especially the Indian High Commissioner, to the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement for the second phase of support from the Indian Government for the Micro and Small Business Grant Initiative of the Fijian Government.

Please allow me to convey the appreciation of the Fijian Government for the continued support and condfidence of the Government of India in the Micro and Small Business Grant.

The MSBG intiaitve began in 2014 and since the Fijian Government has supported more than 17,970 micro and small entrepreneurs.  This support has directly impacted the lives of approximately 89,750 Fijians.

Whilst the Fijian Government has invested a significant amount of funds in this intiative, it has also been the support of the Indian Government that has given a boost to the programme.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Indian Prime Minister, H.E. Narendar Modi, during his visit in 2014 committed to support the Fijian Government’s initiative that bolstered the growth of  the grassroot communities.

The first phase of their support was $4.67 million, which was provided in 2016.  Excellency, as you are aware the MSBG initiative is providing support to the smallest of small businesses, to individuals who have a business and want to grow it or those who want to start a business.  Hence, the funding is a maximum of $1,000.

The funds provided by the Indian Government in the first phase, supported a total of 4,752 entreprenuers realise their dreams.

Excellency, these businesses include: farming, poultry, bee keeping, livestock farming, piggery, market vending, retail, florist, bakery, sewing, roadside stalls, tailoring and handicraft, to name a few.

I must tell you that this year we have even more creative business ideas.

We have had positive results, as those assisted through the MSBG initiative are growing and some expanding their businesses.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

With the signing of the MOA today, the Indian Government has again shown confidence in the MSBG inititiave.  The support of $5.9 million will definitely provide a boost to the investment that the Fijian Government has made.

Through this support the Indian Government will be able to support the liveloods of at least 5,900 individuals.  You are part and will always be part of the success of the MSBG intitiative and the success of our micro and small businesses.

We again thank the Indian Government for their support  and hope to continue building stronger relationships in years to come.

I wish to thank the Indian High Commissioner, H.E. Vishvas Sapkal for his support and efforts in making this event happen.

Vinaka vakalevu

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