Mr Steve Cordeiro, International Master Trainer and Business Coach,
Representatives of the Market Development Facility,
Representatives of iTaukei Trust Fund Board,
Invited Guests,
Bula Vinaka and a very Good Morning to you all.
I am pleased to be here today to open the Training of Trainers Workshop.
As the Minister responsible for industry and micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) development, we’re glad to partner with the iTaukei Trust Fund Board and the Australian Government’s Market Development Facility (MDF).
Having a workshop or training in-person felt like a far-fledged idea for two years. But our collective efforts have now brought us here together today.
It was the decisive actions of the Fijian Government, and the cooperation and support of the private sector, that has led to Fiji successfully opening its borders – allowing for more businesses to open. And today, we have the opportunity of having this training in-person.
Even though as a nation we have grown to harness technology and stay connected, when it comes to learning, I think we can all agree there’s nothing like having face-to-face interaction.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Following the success of the first training held in Lautoka last week, 14 local business trainers of the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs, Fiji Council of Social Services and the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, Tourism and Transport, have been upskilled. Meaning, they’re now more equipped to help others.
This week, we have over 20 trainers participating. Their vigour to better your knowledge, not only contributes to self-growth, but gives you the edge to better your service delivery to community-based micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and co-operative businesses.
So I am delighted that the Ministry is collaborating with the MDF and iTaukei Trust Fund Board, in these training workshops.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We know that there is demand for business related training, and there always will be demand, particularly at the community and grassroot levels. In the last financial year, the Ministry undertook 88 training sessions, reaching more than 2,250 Fijians. These were mainly community-based training because we know this is where more support is needed.
We see this as an indication of the enthusiasm of Fijians. Fijians with the desire to own business, to improve the wellbeing of their families and contribute to the growth of their community.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
There is no doubt that continued training and upskilling contributes to the resilience and growth of businesses, whether it be a large entity or an MSME.
As trainers, your knowledge and direction will greatly boost business development and ultimately our economic recovery efforts. So you’ll need to make the most of every opportunity you get because it’s you who will now shape the minds of others.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
During the second wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in Fiji, the Ministry conducted a Business Impact Survey to determine the extent of impact of the pandemic on local businesses.
Out of 2,200 businesses, approximately 10 percent indicated that training in key areas was important for their continuity. These included trainings such as:
● business management;
● business continuity; and
● diversification into new business segments.
Today’s training is designed to lift the standard of local business trainers. This will provide you with the best practical tools, ideas and models to expand your knowledge and skills, and better engage to support the entrepreneurs you work with.
For this reason, we have brought in our staff from the West and North to be part of this training.
I urge the participants to maximise the presence of Mr Codeiro and learn from his experience. Please ask questions, share your experiences and network. You don’t get such opportunities every day.
I can confidently say that the trainers present here today will be well equipped with the necessary skills after the 3-day workshop.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Ministry values the importance of training and has extensively invested time and resources to achieve entrepreneurial success in Fiji. This training is also an investment by the respective agencies for the betterment of the Fijian entrepreneurs.
My message to the Trainers being trained today, it is your responsibility to share this knowledge. Share it with your colleagues, and more importantly, with those you’ll serve.
We have to ensure that the learnings from the training are not limited to those of you attending. Because when we share the knowledge, we don’t lose them, but we are enabling more people to teach others. We are empowering more Fijians.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Ministry acknowledges our stakeholders and partners and we are confident that this partnership will flourish and bring great benefits to our Fijian MSMEs.
What I would like to see over the coming days is you, standing up here and training others. That’s the goal and to get there, we will continue to support you.
With these words, it’s my pleasure to open this training and I wish you well in all that you will learn today.
Thank you very much and Vinaka Vakalevu.