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Apr 13, 2023 | Speeches, Speeches By Minister

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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Mr Saten Singh, Owner of Kai Ra Saqata Investment,

People of Naselai Community,

Our Private Partners in Development,

Government Department Representatives,

Members of the Media,

Bula Maleka and a very Good morning to you all.

It is indeed a pleasure to be here today to officiate the opening of the refurbished poultry shed.

Without taking much of your time this morning, I will keep it very short and simple.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, Small and Medium Enterprises has partnered with Kai Ra Saqata Investment in the refurbishment and upgrade of the poultry farm through one of our grant programmes — Integrated Human Resource Development Programme (IHRDP).

As the programme is structured, the partnership has been on a one-third and two-third basis. Whereby the project cost of $75,995 was shared, the Ministry has contributed $50,663.33 and the applicant has contributed $25,331.67.

It is pleasing to note that, one-third contribution has been sourced through a loan from Fiji Development Bank which is a perfect example of Public-Private partnership. The Coalition Government seeks to encourage more positive, fair and transparent PPP projects which enhances the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Fiji (MSME) capabilities and growth from strength to strength.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Given that one of the key mandates of the Ministry is to formulate and implement policies and strategies to facilitate the growth of the MSMEs in Fiji, the funding provided to Kai Ra Saqata Investment, would enable them to maximize meat bird production, provide an avenue for Naselai Community people to earn a livelihood for themselves and improve the standard of living of their families.

In ensuring the business continuity, the IHRDP, funded the refurbished poultry shed for Kai Ra Saqata Investment, which included the purchasing roofing iron, chicken wire mesh, nipple line drinkers, poultry fans and feeder cans.

In doing so, we are confident that this will improve the meat quality, reduce the mortality rate of the birds and Kai Ra would be able to meet their demand with their contracted vendors.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Looking at the bigger picture, these targeted investments aim in reducing meat import bill, promoting healthy and local grown chickens for consumption and strengthening linkages to the Agriculture sector.


Additionally, I also would like to encourage larger companies and manufacturers to work with our MSMEs and small holder farmers. Through this type of partnerships, it will strengthen your supply chain to meet your product demands and improve market access for our MSMEs.

We are looking to change the outlook for MSMEs in Fiji. To have a more inclusive and independent approach to our MSMEs operations. A voice of its own and vigor to succeed commercially.

Our aim is to let the private sector be the one of the key pillars drivers of our economic growth.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Fiji MSMEs are an essential component of the Fiji economy, contributing to employment creation, income generation and poverty alleviation.

We believe that the best and most effective way to economically empower the rural communities, is to identify what they do best and provide them the necessary support to achieve that vision.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

With those words, it gives me great pleasure to officially declare the refurbished poultry shed for Kai Ra Saqata Investment open.

Vinaka Vakalevu.

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