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May 17, 2023 | News

The third round of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) negotiations yesterday concluded in Singapore, making significant progress on all the four Pillars of the Framework.

The Fiji delegation was led by Fiji’s Chief Negotiator, Permanent Secretary for Trade, Co-operative, SMEs and Communications, Shaheen Ali. Also part of the Delegation were officials from the Ministry of Trade, Office of the Solicitor-General, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Biosecurity Authority of Fiji, Fiji Revenue and Customs Service and the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption. The Fiji Government Delegation was also supported by Fiji’s Chief Technical Advisor, Professor Christopher Noonan.

The Singapore Round built on the Bali negotiations on: Trade Pillar; Supply Chain Pillar; Clean Economy Pillar and Fair Economy Pillar (Taxation & Anticorruption). Negotiations saw extensive discussions on most of the chapters under the Trade Pillar and Pillars II – IV.

Fiji, as one of the developing economies in the IPEF, contributed significantly to the chapter on Technical Assistance and Economic Cooperation under the Trade Pillar, which will bolster Fiji’s efforts in participating in IPEF to the fullest.

Negotiation also advanced on Pillar II: Supply Chains. The Supply Chain Pillar provides opportunities to assist key sectors and goods, especially in times of crisis. The realisation of the Pillar will ensure Fiji has the cooperation of IPEF partners in reducing supply chain risks and disruptions, which would ultimately strengthen regional trade and investment supply chains.

“IPEF negotiations are underpinned by mutual cooperation and focusing on win-win situations, which create greater trade and economic benefits for its members. The IPEF has been positioned as a high standard agreement that also provides a pathway for members to deliver on those high standards through capacity building and technical assistance,” said the Permanent Secretary.

The Singapore Round was a build-up to the IPEF Ministerial Meeting scheduled for Detroit, Michigan later this month. The Ministerial Meeting will provide an opportunity for Ministers to review progress on the negotiations thus far and provide directions to advance progress on the Framework’s four Pillars.

The Fiji Government is committed to the IPEF negotiations with its partners Australia, Brunei, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, the US and Vietnam. It provides a platform to collaborate on advancing resilient, sustainable and inclusive economic growth and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific Region.


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