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Mr Shaheen Ali

Mr Shaheen Ali

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Meduim Enterprises

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Daniel Muñoz-Smith, the Global Green Growth Institute Country Representative Fiji, Kiribati, Tonga and Vanuatu,

Representatives of the:


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland


European Institute of Innovation and Technology


Archipelagic and Island States Forum

Esteemed Judging Panel,

Our Participants from the Region,

Invited Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Bula Vinaka and good afternoon to you all.


My apologies for missing the earlier part of today’s session.


I must admit that nothing I will say here will be as engaging or interesting as the presentations made by our young participating entrepreneurs.


Today was about all of you, your ideas, your enthusiasm and the future of our Oceans and the Region.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


On behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Co-operatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications, Hon. Manoa Kamikamica, it is my great pleasure to join you in celebrating and recognising the creative and homegrown talent of our Region.




Ladies and Gentlemen,


The Blue Economy ClimAccelerator programme is an innovative mechanism that brings our young and brilliant minds of the Pacific – to address the challenges faced by our Oceans and indeed the people that depend on it.


From what I am told and seen, we as a Region are capable of coming up with solutions collectively to address one of the greatest challenges faced by our people – the survival of our oceans which sustains us.


We are able to achieve this by enhancing science, research and technology (some of it home-grown). This needs to be supported with appropriate policy and legislation by the Government and investments and capital by the private and corporate sector.




Ladies and Gentlemen,


Our call to save our oceans is supported by United Nation Sustainable Development Goal 14, (Life under water) which calls for conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources.


Our oceans cover 70% of our planet and the Pacific Ocean comprises two thirds of this.


As the custodians of the Pacific ocean, we, at the regional and international level, must advocate and protect our natural resources. We need to unlock modern research (coupled with traditional knowledge) to accelerate the development and deployment of clean energy technologies.


We also need to unlock all available access to finance to decarbonise and build resilient economies that withstand and mitigate the impacts of climate change. And we are witnessing this today with the ClimAccelerator initiative




Ladies and Gentlemen,


There may be nine of you here, but you represent an entire region and its capabilities.


I am told your journey to get to this point was not an easy one. As budding clima-preneurs, you went through a comprehensive bootcamp with training and mentoring. This also included engagement with existing entrepreneurs and benefiting from their insights and experience.


I would like to thank GGGI and other partners that provided a structured programme. With guidance and nurturing, you were able to translate your unique business concept into a concrete value proposition – ticking both boxes of commercial viability and sustainability. Essentially, creating Blue Economy business leaders.


This is why we are here today, following the five months training, you now qualify for grant funding (ranges between EUR 5,000 to 10,000 which is equivalent to FJD $12,200 to $19,500) to boost and elevate your start – up business. Again, I would like to thank our partners for providing this essential support.





Ladies and Gentlemen,


The projects that were presented by the Pacific participants, clearly shows the innovation and versatility of putting our “ideas into actions” to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural ecosystems of our oceans.


Innovative solutions ranging from Robotics, 3D Printing and Blockchain technology to sustainable nature and local resource based solutions can create viable industries, create future-oriented job opportunities and promote women empowerment, whilst boosting sustainable practices for the Pacific.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Here in Fiji we have also initiated programmes that capitalise on the ingenuity and innovation of our youths. Our Young Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES) seeks to foster “job creators” rather than “job seekers” in the country. We are looking to invest in unique and innovative ideas – that addresses much needed gaps within our economy – including renewable energy or climate change.




Ladies and Gentlemen,


Each of you who have taken part in this programme have successfully capitalised on an opportunity. And that’s a keyword – opportunity.


The parameters of the blue economy are vast, ranging from fisheries, aquaculture, blue bioeconomy, coastal and maritime tourism, desalination, renewable energy (offshore, coastal & marine), maritime transport and infrastructure, ports, waste disposal management or coastal resilience and protection.


The endless blue ocean is your horizon, and I urge you to unlock your potential and continue to contribute towards sustainable business ventures in the Blue Economy. No doubt you will need support from Governments, Financial Institutions and Development Partners like GGGI.


The recently held National Economic Summit in Fiji recognised our blue ocean as an essential growth sector. We need to capitalise on this momentum.


As your winning solutions have demonstrated, we need collaboration, innovation, and entrepreneurship in achieving sustainable development. It is your responsibility as flag-bearers and Climapreneurs to educate and communicate the message of sustainable livelihoods from blue oceans.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


I would like to thank all the nine participants for your tremendous effort. Everyone here will agree that you are all winners, as our Pacific Region will be richer and benefit from all of your business concepts – one way or another. Thank you for thinking about the future and the sustainability of our Oceans


I would also like to take this opportunity to convey our appreciation to the resource partner, Climate-KIC and IrishAid for making this possible. Programmes such as this that focus on the Blue Economy for Pacific Island Countries are needed now more than ever for the betterment of our future generation.


Vinaka Vakalevu and Thank you


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