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Sep 28, 2023 | Speeches, Speeches By Minister

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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Turaga na Railevu


Yavusa Burenitu


Lewe ni Yavusa o Burenitu


Mr Sireli Bogileka Verebasaga


Talatala Qase Wasewase Serua


Team Tourism Fiji


Mu sa cola vina riki

It is a privilege to be here today to handover two (2) outboard engines to Captain Sireli’s Sport Fishing Charter and Water Sports. I would also like to acknowledge the contribution this business is making to the livelihoods of the people in this and the surrounding communities. Also we must not forget the positive contribution towards providing the utmost best tourist experience to showcase Fiji as a tourism destination of choice.

Ladies and Gentlemen

There is no doubt that this Government supports Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Fiji – creating a vibrant business environment is what we take to heart when it comes to MSMEs in Fiji. With the Pre-COVID 18 percent contribution to Fiji’s gross domestic product, we aim to grow and enhance it further.

This commitment is solidified through the $80 million that was allocated in this year’s National Budget to the various Ministries and Government Department in the form of grants and assistance for MSMEs.

We look at the MSMEs as a key growth sector that undoubtedly has the potential to propel our economy forward. Moreso, we are blessed with abundance of land and an even bigger sea area – hence our ability to benefit from the blue economy needs to be capitalised.

MSMEs have the immense potential to add value to the tourism experience through businesses such as the one operated by Capitan Sireli. This business has and will continue to create an economic ripple in Korolevu and other nearby areas, through paid income of boatmen and hiring of boat-hands from nearby settlements.

Ladies and Gentlemen

I understand Captain Sireli is greatly supported by his family who are also entrepreneurs in their own spaces. I am told that Captain Sireli’s wife operates a souvenir retail outlet and his daughter offers authentic massages with the best beach front views. Essentially, this family has diversified their income stream focusing on their own specialities. This is a perfect example of what we mean when we talk about economic diversification.

Most importantly, an improvement of livelihood for the families of those employed and we must not forget the indirect impact such as  taxi hire  of the guests, payment of commission to tour referrals, purchase of fuel from Korolevu Fuel Station, support for women’s handicraft and seasonal fruit stalls.

Ladies and Gentlemen

This Sports Fishing venture through its proposal sought funding for the purchase of two 115 HP outboard engines to revitalise the current business which was halted due to old mechanical systems. After thorough assessments the Fiji Government through the Integrated Human Resources Programme Development  (IHRDP), supports the proposal from Captain Sireli, amounting to $42,140.  The Government has invested $28,093 and Captain Sireli has contributed $14,046 through a business loan with our development bank – FDB.

One of the key responsibilities of the Ministry is to find possible solutions to support and empower Fijians to make a living and grow. Through this support we are creating jobs, income is being generated, livelihoods are being supported, and ultimately leading to poverty alleviation.

With our MSME Programmes still open, I urge MSMEs to come forward and apply for our grant funding programme and our Ministry officials present here can guide you on the application process, which is entirely online.

Ladies and Gentlemen,


IHRDP strives to fund communal-based projects, co-operative businesses and sole traders such as Captain Sireli that create decent work in this area of Korolevu and the border of Serua.This funding means that we, as your Government, have the confidence in Captain Sireli, your hard working team and your ability to do so much more for yourselves and for our beloved country.


To you Captain Sireli, I challenge you to continue to build your business, you continue to be an anchor for the people of Korolevu providing employment opportunities. Your Government has invested in you, and though you may face hurdles along the way, we are here to provide advice and guidance to you.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

With those words, it gives me great pleasure to officially handover the 2x115hp outboard engine to Mr Sireli Bogileka Verebasaga, Captain and his family.

Vinaka vakalevu. Thank you.

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