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Mr Shaheen Ali

Mr Shaheen Ali

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Meduim Enterprises

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Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services, Dr James Fong,

Chief Executive Officer, National Fire Authority, Puamau Sowane,

Senior Government Officials

Spirit of Endeavour Team, Mr. K. V. Soon, and Mr. Tan Kim Leng (Virtual),

Ladies and Gentlemen,




Bula Vinaka and good morning to you all.


I extend a warm welcome to each one of you to the inaugural ‘Change Management Workshop’, and the “CHANGE NOW FOR BETTER BUSINESS” Programme.


As the topic suggests, this is a crucial series of workshops on Change Management, specifically designed for agencies involved in the Fiji Government’s Ease of Doing Business programme.


I would like to acknowledge the Spirit of Endeavor team, the Fiji Government’s partners in this journey, for organising this workshop. This is part of a series of workshops organised by the Ministry’s Reform Unit, for the coming few months.


Most of you have been part of this initiative and we are glad to have your continued partnership as we progress.




Ladies and Gentlemen,


We are a few days away from the National Budget announcement. Without a doubt, the budget will focus on growing our economy sustainably, through diversified and broadened economic base and favourable conditions for doing business and investments. And every one here will have a part to play.


In each of our organisations, we are implementing some form of change. Whether they are to make our internal processes more efficient, or to deliver better service to the public – change is crucial.




Ladies and Gentlemen,


These workshops are focused on the broader objective to transform our business environment —  to ensure businesses find it easy to invest, establish and operate in Fiji.


For our business environment to change — we need a change in our thinking, change in our mindset. And more generally, a change in how we do things. This includes changing the tools we use, change in our organisation structure, our processes, our SOPs, our communications and our platforms.


What this means for organisations sometimes is an entire institutional change. And that can be challenging to deliver.


Change can be disruptive and unsettling if not managed effectively. Therefore, understanding and implementing Change Management strategies are vital for our collective success.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


The Ease of Doing Business Programme is a national strategic initiative that forms part of “Fiji’s Digital Government Transformation” agenda. Our objective is to ensure that our agencies are equipped and prepared to provide “Business Ready” services, in a modern changing environment where technology is one of the greatest tools.


At the core of this Government-wide national agenda lies the development of the single digital portal for all Government services to the business community.


This platform, known as “businessNOW Fiji” (formally bizFIJI) will serve as a comprehensive online portal facilitating the efficient delivery of e-services to business owners and investors in Fiji. ​


This initiative aligns with our national policy direction for digital transformation in Fiji. By embracing digital transformation and modernising our processes, we will position Fiji favourably for the upcoming World Bank’s Business Ready measurement project.


We recognise the importance of being proactive and staying ahead, rather than playing catch-up as we did in the previous World Bank Doing Business Reports.




Ladies and Gentlemen,


Our transformation journey started five years ago when we undertook a comprehensive review of the key procedures involved in starting, building, and growing a new business in Fiji.


These procedures include Starting a Business and applying for a Building Permit. Through collaborative effort with all stakeholders, the Ministry established the “Fiji Business Information Portal”, known as bizFIJI, as the first phase of this transformation programme.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Since 2021, we have been working on the next phase — establishing e-services application capabilities of the portal. This portal will be known as businessNOW FIJI. Over the next several months, we will witness the gradual roll-out of this system-based portal.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the participating agencies, who have actively engaged in various training sessions and discussions during the past 12 months, especially, during the critical stages of design, review, and preliminary development works.




Ladies and Gentlemen,


Now is the time to prepare our agencies to embrace change, to adapt to new systems. This transformation will fundamentally change the way agencies deliver their services to business owners and investors. While some will see this transformation as disruptive, others will see this as an opportunity.


As Leaders of our respective agencies, it is our responsibility to recognise the need for change and take action to manage it effectively. We need to take a systematic approach from planning, implementing, monitoring and communicating changes within our agencies.


This entails recognising the need for change, devising a comprehensive implementation plan, effectively communicating the change to stakeholders, and ensuring its successful adoption and sustainability.




Ladies and Gentlemen,


Through these workshops we hope to build more forward-looking, adaptive, resilient institutions and civil servants that not only respond to the needs of Fiji Citizens and businesses but actively promote and facilitate their growth.


Throughout this workshop series, we will delve into the core principles and best practices of Change Management. We will look at the various aspects, including understanding the psychology of change and developing effective communication strategies.


Our esteemed team members from Spirit of Endeavour, renowned for their expertise in implementing change management processes worldwide, will share real-world case studies and engage in interactive sessions.


Ladies and gentlemen,


Let us embark on this change management journey together, armed with resilience, adaptability, and a shared vision for a brighter future.


With these few words, I wish you all a successful workshop on CHANGE NOW FOR BETTER BUSINESS.


Thank you and Vinaka Vakalevu.

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