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Audio-Visual Agents License

The Audio-Visual sector is a priority area for Fiji as it leads to long term benefits to the economy. The sector boosts investment and interest in audio-visual productions in Fiji. This is it enables reality tv shows, feature films, documentaries and other medium to large format films, to be shot and indirectly promotes Fiji through the big screens and also through TV.

Over the past 5 years a total number of 356 productions filmed in Fiji reaching over 1.5 billion viewership.

To ensure that the right people are engaged by the production house and the services are delivered efficiently and on schedule, the Ministry initiated the process of awarding licences to companies and individuals as audio-visual agents. This complements the 47% tax rebate which has attracted a number of foreign productions to Fiji and contributed to the economic development.

The Ministry currently has a total of 18 active audio-visual agents who assist international film producers that creates a multiplier effect on the domestic economy through a variety of services ranging from financial and accounting services, legal advisory services, line producers, and location scouting and equipment hire.

Audio-Visual Agents Licensing Form can be accessed here.

Click here to view the active Audio-Visual agents.

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