MSME Fiji is responsible for formulating, implementing and enhancing policies and strategies for the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
In particular, MSME Fiji facilitates business training, business advisory and access to finance. MSME Fiji is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating of the implementation of MSME-related projects.
For more information on the roles and responsibility of MSME Fiji please find more information in the policy framework below:
Click Here to view MSME Policy Framework.
In addition to the services above the Ministry also administers the livelihood programmes which provides financial assistance to MSME’s who meet the relevant criteria. Please find links below on the different livelihood assistance programmes available:
Young Entrepreneurship Scheme
National Export Strategy
Nothern Development Programme
Integrated Human Resourse Development Programme
Trade Enhancement Program

Pacific Agri-Innovate Competition 2024
The Sustainable Transformation of Domestic Agrifood Systems in Fiji, Samoa and Solomon Islands (STODAS) project funded by the European Union (EU) is aiming to strengthen domestic agricultural production and consumption through a resilient and sustainable agrifood system transformation.
As part of the STODAS project, the 2024 Pacific Agri-Innovate Competition has been launched to identify, select, train and empower small to medium sized entrepreneurs and agribusinesses in agriculture and allied sectors.
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
- Innovators and Entrepreneurs working in agriculture and allied sector.
- Enterprises must be registered in Fiji, Samoa, or Solomon Islands.
- Scalable and Market-Ready Ventures with commercial viability and growth potential
- Applications would be evaluated on the basis of Innovation & USP, Commercial viability, team strength, Traction & Value and Job creation