National Trade Measurement Laboratory
The National and Trade Measurement Laboratory is responsible for the maintenance of the Fijian National System of Units that are recognised both locally and internationally. The Fijian National System of Units is derived from the world recognized International System of Units (SI) which originated from the French – Système international d’unités. The aim of the laboratory is to support and create a fair and competitive industry, influencing policies and protecting consumers.
The Fijian National System of Units is as the same as the international system of units used in many countries around the world. It is made up of the 7 defining constants as below;

- (s) – Seconds – Time
- (kg) – Kilogram – Mass
- (mol) – Mole– Amount of Substance
- (cd) – Candela– Luminous intensity
- (K) – Kelvin Temperature
- (A) – Ampere – Electric Current
- (m) – Meter – Length
The SI is a consistent system of units for use in all aspects of life, including international trade, manufacturing, security, health and safety, protection of the environment, and in the basic science that underpins all of these. More information on the SI Units can be accessed in the given link. (Click Here to View Brochure)
The Fijian National and Trade Measurement Laboratory maintains primary standards for a range of measurements such as Mass, Length, Electric Current and Time. It is important to note that our work is traceable to international standards. The team ensures consistency is maintained across an array of measurements locally and that such measurements are accepted internationally as well.

The Metrology Pyramid above clearly explains the traceability of Standards from International Standards trickling down National and Reference Standards creating consumer confidence in purchasing goods via use of measurement. Metrology creates consumer confidence by ensuring fair trade through eliminating the use of short measure (provision of an amount less than what is declared or paid for).
The Metrology Pyramid above clearly explains the traceability of Standards from International Standards trickling down National and Reference Standards creating consumer confidence in purchasing goods via use of measurement. Metrology creates consumer confidence by ensuring fair trade through eliminating the use of short measure (provision of an amount less than what is declared or paid for).
Fiji Pattern Approval
The National and Trade Measurement Act 1989 mandates the issuance of Fiji Pattern Approvals for instruments used for trade in Fiji. The Department evaluates measuring instruments ensuring its suitability for use for trade in particular to the principles, materials and methods used or proposed to be used in its construction.
The Director being the Approval Authority may approve the pattern of any measuring instrument for use for trade if he or she thinks it is suitable for trade. The Director may also at any time and from time to time alter, amend, cancel or withdraw any approval so given.
Fiji Pattern Approval are issued for the following classification of instruments;
- Weighing Instruments;
- Balances & Beams
- Counter Scales
- Spring Balances
- Self Indicating Counter Instruments
- Steelyards
- Platform Weighing Instruments, Overhead weighing instruments and hopper scales
- Weighbridge
- Crane Weighers
- Personal Weighing Instruments
- Weighing and Counting Scales
- Wheel load Weighers
- Belt conveyor Weighers
- Measuring Instruments;
- Measures of Length
- Length measuring instruments
- Area measuring instruments
- Liquid measuring instruments
- Lubricating oil measures
- Dispensing measures
- Farm milk tanks
- Vehicle tanks
- Visible bowl liquid measuring instruments
- Volumetric drum filling instruments
- Driveway filling flowmeters
- Vehicle mounted flowmeters
The National Trade Measurement Unit regulates the licensing of repairers/technicians for the purpose of commissioning, repairing weighing and measuring instruments used in trade & legal metrology.
The licenses issued by the Department are as below;
- Principal License – Issued to companies responsible for commissioning and repairing weighing and measuring instruments.
- Repairers License – Issued to an employee(s) of a Principal Licensed company as in (1) above.
Applicants for either of the licenses can apply to be registered for any of the following instruments;
- Class 1 and 2 and Class A and B Weighing
- Class 3 and 4 weighing instruments to a capacity of 30 kilograms;
- Class 3 and 4 weighing instruments to a capacity exceeding 30 kilograms, but not exceeding 3 tonnes capacity
- Weighbridges exceeding 3 tonnes capacity
- Liquid measuring instruments for petroleum products operating at flow rates not exceeding 100litres per minute, including driveway flowmeters and visible bowl liquid measuring instruments
- Liquid measuring instruments for petroleum products operating at flow rates exceeding 100litres per minute,
- Liquid measuring instruments for use for trade in respect of other non-petroleum products;
- Instruments for measuring liquefied gasses excluding cryogenic liquids
- Masses of all categories
- Measures of length
- Length measuring instruments
- Metal measures of capacity
- Farm milk tanks
- Vehicle tanks
- Area measuring instruments
- Time measuring instruments
- Electronic cash registers when interfaced to mass only counter weighing instruments;
- Mass only weighing instruments, when interfaced to scanning devices; and
- Other categories of measuring instruments for use for trade
Public Weighbridges
The Unit also issues Certificates for the registration of Public Weighbridges and licenses for Weighbridge Operators known as Public Weighman.
Public Weighbridges that are made available to the public by the licensee, must have been registered in accordance with the National and Trade Measurement Act 1989 and has been issued with a Certificate signifying that the public weighbridge has been found in accordance with the requirements of the NTM Act.
Public Weighman
Public Weighman Licenses are issued to those who operate weighbridges. The license is issued after theory and practical training followed by either oral or written test or a combination of both. The license once issued remains in force until cancelled, suspended or surrended.
Applications for the Repairers & Public Weighman licenses will undergo practical/theoretical trainings followed by an exam either practical/theoretical/combination of both. Applications are to be made in the prescribed forms accompanied by the application fees.
International Affiliations
- Full Members – Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP) – (Click Here to View)
- Corresponding Member – International Organization for Legal Metrology (OIML) -(Click Here to View)