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Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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Ms Ravina Lata, Director Rialto Properties,


The Team of Rialto Properties,


Invited Guests and Industry Stakeholders,


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Bula Vinaka and a very good evening to you all. I am glad and honored to be part of your celebrations.


Today we celebrate a day, which is very important to Ravina and her team, and certainly to all of us present here this evening. As family, friends and colleagues we are here to acknowledge the achievement of Ravina and her team and celebrate the first anniversary of Rialto Properties.


Congratulations once again on your collective achievement!


Having been a great believer of teamwork and shared success, my simple message for Ravina and her team is that it is your existence and dedication upon which Rialto Properties flourishes.


Over time, and this is one thing you would agree with me as the owner Ravina, is that your team has grown, gained more experience, and learnt the ropes of the real estate industry. Through your professional time together you have also learned to handle work better and open doors to new beginnings and opportunities for your customers.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Just this week, I shared some precious moments with women entrepreneurs from Raiwaqa and Vatuwaqa whilst celebrating World MSME Day and I wanted to re-emphasise the quote “when you teach a man, you teach an individual but when you teach a woman, you teach a nation”, I must say there is so much conviction in that statement – conviction because, women on any entrepreneurial journey care for their business like a child, they create it – and they watch it grow with time into something more beautiful.


I have also just returned from Ba where we jointly celebrated World MSME Day and International Co-operatives Day with approximately 500 small business owners, many of them women.


The drive and passion that I witnessed during the celebration needs to be harnessed. And the Ministry will ensure that all the necessary support is provided to our women entrepreneurs.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


I am told, from this month onwards Rialto Properties have furthered their service by having sales representatives in the Central Division after providing good services here in Nadi – so I hope Ravina, you and your team can continue to grow in the future.


I feel this is just the beginning of great wealth, success and more amazing things to follow!


Tonight is not a night for long speeches, but accolades for a confident, enthusiastic woman and her team who will continue to stamp their mark in an industry that is male dominated.


Ravina – before I draw my message to a close, I wish you and your team the very best in exploring new heights in your career, business and investment.


Vinaka Vakalevu and thank you.

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