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Aug 16, 2023 | Speeches, Speeches By Minister

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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Invited Guests,

Members of the Media,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


Bula Vinaka and good morning to you all. Welcome to the first ever workshop for “Income Generating Programmes for Micro Small Medium Enterprises” spearheaded by the Ministry.


As we embark on a journey of transformation and progress towards “Rebuilding a New Fiji Together” – I want all of you present here today, to understand the important role you play in helping us to achieve this, by successfully implementing your various programmes that will grow our MSMEs.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


As your Minister, I am pleased to note that the total budgetary support allocation dedicated towards supporting MSMEs in this financial year is above $80 million – demonstrating the importance of MSMEs to our Nation.


Our Ministry itself received an 86 percent increase in the grant funding programmes which coordinates with our commitment towards strengthening MSME assistance and development in Fiji. With the additional resources at hand, we are determined to enhance our services to the MSME community through various avenues. This is where our collaboration is essential, if we really want to create a reliable and consistent network for MSMEs – and one which generates real time returns.


However, one of the barriers that hinders MSMEs growth is access to information. And for that reason, as advisors, you should be well informed about the various programmes and forms of assistance your Ministry provides – even if it means being conversant about what others outside your Ministry are offering, to the same interest group.


Always remember that often at times you are the first point of contact for our MSMEs out in the communities. This is precisely why we have organised this workshop – to connect the dots better and grasp information about your respective programmes which can be the perfect addition to our shared vision and undertaking.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


As your Government – we firmly believe that the entrepreneurial spirit is very much alive in Fiji and has the potential to transform Fiji’s economic landscape. Your programmes provide the necessary tools and resources to turn our entrepreneurs’ visions into reality. Please remember that and treat your roles honourably!

The Grant programmes are not merely just a financial support system, it symbolises a powerful assurance to empower, uplift and strengthen a key element of Fiji’s road to economic growth and development. Whether you are working with your corner store, the canteen next door or resource owners, we all must work towards increasing the contribution of MSMEs towards a GDP which is approximately 18 percent.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are working on a framework or development plan that will chart a roadmap to improve MSMEs contribution to our GDP and create more employment. It will focus on growing our MSMEs by leveraging off technology, creating an enabling environment and focusing on emerging industries.

As we envision a dynamic future and a New Fiji, the Ministry has reviewed our policies in light of the New Fiji that warmly embraces Circular and Digital Economy. We believe that these innovative approaches not only foster sustainable practices but also drive digital transformation, unlocking new opportunities for growth and prosperity in today’s dynamic business environment and the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


By integrating circular and digital economies, businesses can become pioneers of positive change, contributing to a more resilient and forward-thinking economy for the benefit of our society and environment.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Ministry is determined to work hand in hand with partnered stakeholders and agencies, universities institutions, financial institutions and aligned Ministries that share the common goal of improving and developing MSMEs in the Fiji economy.

We must foster a sense of togetherness and continue to strongly collaborate with each other.

In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude to everyone for being here today. Together, we can build a future that is prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive—a future that uplifts every Fiji citizen.

Thank you, and may this day mark the beginning of a transformative era for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Fiji.


Vinaka Vakalevu and Thank you.

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