The Ministry of Industry Trade and Tourism (MITT) revisited Yalobi villagers in Waya, Yasawa on Tuesday, 5 November 2019 as a follow-up to the community awareness engagement conducted on Friday, 5 July 2019.
The engagement coincided with the completion of amenities such as toilets and bathrooms to support the day tour product, which the Vatunareba Youth Club were tasked to oversee in Yalobi village. The Ministry also took the opportunity to conduct the FIJIAN HOSTS customer service training for 13 youth highlighting the importance of communication in service delivery. The officials took a tour of Yalobi to obtain a first-hand experience of how the tour will be conducted and how best to promote it.
This initiative contributes to strategies in the Fijian Tourism 2021, focusing on increasing the value and diversifying Fiji’s tourism offerings and supports the development and participation of micro, small and medium enterprises in the tourism sector.
The Yalobi Day Tour will be run by the Vatunareba Youth Club of Yalobi with marketing and promotional support from South Sea Cruises and nearby tourism properties.