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Official Launch – Seventh Heaven Fiji By Honourable Faiyaz Siddiq Koya, Minister for Commerce, Trade, Tourism and Transport

Aug 26, 2022 | Speeches, Speeches By Minister

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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Turaga na Taukei Nalotu, Ratu Qauqau,

Seventh Heaven Fiji Proprietors, Eddy and Martin Rotteveel, John Cornwell, and Glen Matheson,

CEO Tourism Fiji, Brent Hill,

Industry Stakeholders,

Invited Guests,

Members of the Media,

Ladies and Gentleman,

Bula Vinaka!

In the last two years, every one of us has developed a greater appreciation of the value of the tourism industry. We are not talking only the near third contribution to GDP. We are talking about the jobs it creates, its relationship with the environment, its contribution to a business’s bottom line, and its ability to uplift communities.

What we have also had greater appreciation of is the need for continued investments. Whether it’s upgrading our rooms, creating more authentic experiences – or developing new products.

Therefore, I am pleased to officially launch, and experience, one of Fiji’s newest tourism products – Seventh Heaven Fiji.
Ladies and Gentleman,

As Fijians, we were born to welcome, to showcase, to connect. because it’s in the very grain of our DNA. I can see that today – all the way from the boat ride here.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I take this opportunity to thank Mr. Eddy Rotteveel, the man behind this creativity. Seventh Heaven is truly as the name suggests.

One of most recognising features of this business is that it shares the ethos of what the industry is built on – the care of our presentine environment. During construction, where possible, recycled plastics were used. All waste is safely disposed of and recycled. And, Seventh Heaven operates on solar power.

I also understand the entire structure is assembled and manufactured right here in Fiji. So this is truly a Fijian experience.

Recently (in fact last week) Seventh Heaven as part of its Eco initiatives, began their Coral planting programme with ADE Fiji (Aquaculture Development for the Environment). That’s a commitment of planting 14,000 new corals this year. Ladies and Gentlemen, that deserves a round of applause.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would also like to acknowledge the Mataqali/Yavusas who are with us today. Your blessing and support to Seventh Heaven and the advancement of the Fijian tourism industry is what brings us to where we are today.

I am also glad we have the media here with us – who like any other tourism ambassador, helps connect Fiji to the world. I urge you to share with others what Fiji has to offer.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Seventh Heaven opened its doors in April and it took almost 5 years of hard work to make this 4-million-dollar investment. They are adding to the growth of the Fijian economy and more importantly – supporting the livelihoods of thirty-six Fijians and dozens of suppliers by creating jobs.

I read earlier that the idea of a floating bar and restaurant came to Eddy and Johnny while they sat under a tree on a beach here in Fiji. You saw a new opportunity – you tried something new, you saw the demand and made the investment.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

From January to July, Fiji received 284,167 visitors – which is 56.4 percent of arrivals in the same period in 2019. So we’re already halfway there. In July, we received the highest number of Australians ever in a given month. These numbers show that we’re well in line with a full recovery by 2024.

Now when these tourists come – and there will be more coming – they will want to do more than stay in their hotel rooms. We know this. Similarly with locals, they (we) want to see more of home. What we also know is that domestic tourism can keep us going. This is where experiences such as Seventh Heaven can take advantage.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I’m told future bookings are healthy for Seventh Heaven with huge demand and forward bookings well into 2023.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As tourism stakeholders, you are architects of what is to follow for the industry. To Eddy and your partners, I hope you continue to invest in your business, your staff and the service you provide.

To conclude, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your incredible resilience and encourage you to continue to inspire towards excellence.

With these few words I officially declare Seventh Heaven Open!

Vinaka Vakalevu.

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