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Apr 27, 2024 | Speeches, Speeches By Minister

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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The General Manager Mr Tim Carter,
Senior Management Team,
Crest Livestock Leadership Team,
Hatchery Staff,
Key Stakeholders,
Invited Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Bula Vinaka and a warm welcome to everyone present here this morning.
It is with great pleasure to mark the opening of Goodman Fielders’ new Crest Hatchery
facility, a testament to innovation, investment, and progress in our nation.

The Government recognises and commends Goodman Fielder for their investment of
FJD 22 million in this state-of-the-art facility. This significant commitment underscores the
company’s dedication to growth, sustainability, and excellence in the agricultural industry.

The establishment of the Crest Hatchery facility is not merely a construction project; it
symbolises a forward-looking approach towards fostering sustainable practices,
supporting local farmers, and generating employment opportunities within our community.
By embracing technological advancements and innovative processes, this facility sets a
new standard for efficiency, quality, and environmental stewardship in poultry production.

Goodman Fielders’ investment in this facility also extends its positive multiplier effect on
our poultry industry particularly our small-holder contract farmers. By creating linkages
and opportunities within our local supply chain, local farmers have the opportunity to
contribute to economic development and resilience in Fiji and the region.
As a Government, we are championing economic diversification and supporting emerging

In fact, the Ministry has supported a number of small-holder contract farmers that supply
Goodman Fielder under the Integrated Human Resources Development Programme with
the upgrade and expansion of their sheds and other capital equipment. Our investments
have resulted in increased consistent supply of birds and improved quality of birds for our
local consumption.

We hope with this new facility, we will see an expansion in the pool of the local farmers
that are contracted to supply Goodman Fielder.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Looking ahead, the Coalition Government remains steadfast in its commitment to
supporting initiatives like the Crest Hatchery facility.
Our plans include continued support of private sector led investments and strategic
partnerships to ensure long-term sustainability.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

According to the Fiji Bureau of Statistics, in 2023 alone, Fiji imported 598,000 units of
day-old chicks worth $5.6 million.

The private sector are the leaders of innovation, and this facility marks a significant
milestone in reducing our dependency on imported chicks and reducing our Import Bill.
This is what we call Import Substitution.

Eventually, we hope to see through this facility, chicks being exported to the region.
Such investments are aligned to the Government strategic direction not putting all our
eggs in one basket and diversifying away from Tourism. COVID pandemic is a stark
reminder of the lessons learnt of heavily relying on one or two industries.

Ladies and Gentlemen

I am pleased to share that Government in support of agricultural diversification and
expansion, has created a working group called the “Commercial Agriculture
Taskforce” – this working group is focused on bringing in investors to the Agriculture

Our Ministry recently participated in a workshop on the Regional Kava Development
Strategy Implementation Plan and Geographical Indication for Kava where experts
from the region convened to discuss the state of our kava industry and formulated plans
to pave the way for a sustainable and thriving kava sector that truly benefits our people.
Another key area we are focusing on is promoting our Fijian Made – Buy Fijian Made
Campaign. We are working with the hotel industry to connect farmers to chefs – reducing
reliance on food imports and encouraging local consumption.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, as a Government, recognise the importance of retaining our skilled workforce and
are dedicated to creating avenues for local talent development and employment stability.
I would like to point out that any investment in the Fijian people is an investment in the
Fijian economy, and this would undoubtedly help people meet their everyday needs and
improve their standard of living.

In a world where investment markets are competitive, finding opportunities and venues
can occasionally be challenging, but providing platforms and working with the community
can help.

Retaining Local Skills

The Coalition Government is putting together a coordinated plan to deal with the issue of
labor migration and discover methods to keep locals employed for the benefit of our

Having come from the private sector myself, it is pleasing to see a large manufacturing
company employing 1,200 locals – this deserves recognition. Continuous learning is
crucial in the face of change, helping employees reevaluate their knowledge and abilities
so they can appropriately contribute to the business and economy at large.
This guarantees the ability of Fijians to become experts in this area.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As we mark the opening of Crest Chicken Hatchery, let us also embrace the value of
innovation, partnership, and collaboration, especially with our MSMEs and smallholder

It is my firm belief that if we successfully integrate MSMEs in local value chains like
Goodman Fielder has, we will achieve our ambition of being a progressive and resilient
economy that is dynamic and inclusive.

Vinaka Vakalevu

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