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Jul 26, 2023 | Speeches, Speeches By Minister

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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Acting Secretary General, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Dr. Filimon Manoni,


Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Bruce Warrington, National Measurement Institute Australia,


Development Partners,


Distinguished Delegates,


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Bula Vinaka and a good evening to you All. It is my great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the “Pacific Metrology Week”.


Tonight, we gather as advocates of precision, accuracy, and excellence in measurement and calibration – representing our respective nations as enthusiasts of Metrology.


Firstly, I want to extend my appreciation to the organisers who have made this event possible. Your dedication and hard work has brought us together to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and strengthen collaborations in the field dear to us.


As we embark on this journey over the next few days, we share a common purpose – a purpose to harness the power of accurate measurement to drive innovation, enhance quality, and foster progress across various industries.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Metrology as you all know is often referred to as the “science of measurement” – a science which plays a vital role in virtually every aspect of our modern lives.


Every day, metrology underpins the advancements that have transformed our societies from the likes of manufacturing, engineering, healthcare and environmental monitoring – all which rely on precise measurements.  These in turn form the foundation of reliable data and informed decision-making which will continue to shape the future.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Given that our Region is closely connected, our collaboration and knowledge exchange remains vital. The challenges we face as a Region are multifaceted, and it is only through a collective effort that we can overcome them.


As the Minister responsible for Trade – I acknowledge the Pacific Metrology Week as an exceptional platform for us to pool our expertise, explore cutting-edge technologies, and address the emerging needs of our rapidly evolving World.


But beyond the technical discussions, this week also presents a unique opportunity for networking and forging new friendships. As delegates from diverse backgrounds, everyone present here tonight brings a wealth of experience, perspective, and Pacific culture.


Let us take advantage of this opportunity to learn from one another and build relations that go beyond borders and boundaries.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


I encourage you all to actively participate in the sessions, this is your time to engage in thoughtful conversations and intellectual exchange that will create solutions that will make a lasting impact – together we can collectively push the frontiers of metrology.


Please, remember – your work is important and the contributions you make are invaluable to your domain and the people who rely on it. Each one of you plays a vital role, so let’s make use of this week and make a commitment to advancing metrology for the progress of each and every one.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


Before I conclude, I want to extend a warm thank you to the organisers who have made this event possible and our development partners.  The city of Suva and the local community and its businesses will make you feel right at home!


So, let us look forward to an inspiring and enriching Pacific Metrology Week — may our collective efforts lead to advancements and a shared vision of a more precise and promising future. I wish you all an enjoyable evening and a rewarding week ahead.


Thank you and Vinaka Vakalevu.

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