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Apr 24, 2023 | Speeches, Speeches By Minister

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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Secretary-General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Mr Henry Puna,

Representatives of Members of the Forum,

Non-state representatives including businesses, researchers, and NGO representatives,

Bula Vinaka and a Good afternoon to you all.


We are all aware that the Pacific region is a unique and diverse place, with a rich cultural heritage, an abundance of natural resources, and a strong connection to the ocean.


Our Blue Pacific identity is central to our way of life, and we need to ensure that it is protected and sustained for future generations.


The 2050 Strategy, which was developed by the Pacific Islands Forum, is a visionary roadmap for our region’s sustainable development. It sets out a comprehensive and integrated approach to address the complex challenges that we face, including climate change, ocean health, and economic development.


One of the key areas of focus in the 2050 Strategy is resource and economic development.


To implement these strategies, we need to create an enabling environment for private sector investment and innovation. This means addressing barriers to trade and investment, streamlining regulations, and investing in infrastructure and human capital development.


Excellencies and Colleagues,


Fiji has just concluded a National Economic Summit last week. The summit was a significant milestone for our nation, as it brought together a range of stakeholders to discuss our country’s economic future.

The primary intention behind hosting this summit was to create a platform for dialogue and collaboration between the Government, private sector, civil society, academia, and international partners. We aimed to identify the key challenges and opportunities facing our economy and find ways to address them together.


We identified that there is a need to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation that can drive economic growth and job creation. To do this, we must invest and build the capacity of our people, particularly our women and youths, to be innovative and entrepreneurial.


We also need to tackle our vulnerabilities head on. The Pacific region is highly vulnerable to external shocks, including natural disasters, climate change, and economic downturns.


Taking bold and decisive actions, at the national, regional, and global levels is vital to build resilient and diversified economies, that can adapt to changing circumstances and harness the full potential of our resources.


These actions can be implemented towards building resilience into our economies and societies, to ensure that we have the capacity to adapt to changing circumstances. For example, investing in disaster preparedness and climate change adaptation.


Excellencies and Colleagues,


This is a critical time for our region, as we face unprecedented challenges related to climate change, economic growth, and sustainable development. To overcome these challenges and achieve our aspirations, we must work together and harness the full potential of our resources, people, and networks. Fostering partnerships and collaboration, among Governments, private sector, and development partners, will leverage our strengths and resources.


Most importantly, we need to make the most of the resources available in the region. One of the key tools we have at our disposal is the Pacific Trade and Invest (PTI) Network. PTI Network should be instrumental in supporting the economic growth of our region through trade and investment facilitation, export promotion, and investment attraction.


As members of the Pacific Islands Forum, it is incumbent upon us to utilize this network to its fullest potential. We must ensure that we engage with the PTI representatives during this Talanoa session to gain a better understanding of how we can benefit from the PTI network.


Excellencies and Colleagues,


I am heartened to see such a diverse group of stakeholders represented here today, including representatives from the private sector, government, and regional organisations. This diversity of expertise and experience is essential as we work together to develop our resources and build a stronger, more inclusive Pacific region.

Let us use this opportunity to engage in open and constructive dialogue, sharing our ideas and experiences to shape a brighter future for our region. Together, we can build a Pacific that is sustainable, prosperous, and equitable for all its people.


Vinaka vakalevu. Thank you very much.




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