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Press Release: New Members Appointed To Land Transport Authority Board

May 5, 2022 | News

05 Aug, 2021

The Ministry of Commerce, Trade, Tourism and Transport (Ministry) yesterday welcomed new Board of Directors of the Land Transport Authority (LTA) – led by the new Director and Board Chairperson, Mr. James Sowane.

The Minister for Commerce, Trade, Tourism and Transport, Hon. Faiyaz Koya, highlighted the need for the new Board of Directors and the Ministry to work together as a team to serve the best interest of Fijians.

The new appointees were urged to align to the policy directions of the Ministry and the national objectives of the Fijian Government.

Mr. Sowane, who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge from the Transport sector, thanked the Minister and the Permanent Secretary for the warm welcome and acknowledged that this was an opportune time to give back to the nation and focus on the people of Fiji.

He stated that communication with stakeholders was important, particularly for an agency like the LTA, which must have a close working relationship with its stakeholders.

Hon. Koya also welcomed LTA’s new woman Board Director, Ms. Narisha Karan, who brings with her extensive finance and audit expertise.

The LTA Board of Directors provide a cross section of public and private sector expertise that will guide LTA’s growth going forward. The Board consists of Mr. James Sowane (Chairman), Mr. Ashok Patel, Ms. Narisha Karan, Mr. Parvez Akbar, Mr. Kamal Prasad, Mr. Richard Breen and Mr. Kamal Goundar

Each Director brings with them new perspective and experience and will continue to add to the work of the LTA

The Ministry acknowledges the work of the outgoing Chairperson and members of the Board. The Ministry and the LTA Board also acknowledged the work by the outgoing CEO, Mr. Samuel Simpson, and wished him well in his future endeavors.


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