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Oct 13, 2023 | Speeches, Speeches By Minister

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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Representatives of the business community,

Consumer representatives, Officials from the Government Departments and Agencies,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Bula Vinaka and a very good morning to you all.

I am honored to introduce the Standards e-learning Portal as we celebrate “World Stadard Day today”.

Commemorating the birth of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is more than a mere date on the calendar. It’s a global occasion, celebrated not only by ISO and its member countries but also by prominent organisations like the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

In unison with fellow national standards bodies around the world, our Department of National Trade Measurement and Standards, operating under the Ministry of Trade Co-operatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Communication, observes this day as an opportunity to underscore the profound importance of standardisation in our nation, transcending the boundaries of our economy, society, and environment. Moreover, it’s a day to express our deep appreciation for the countless individuals who have generously contributed their time and expertise to the development of these invaluable standards.

This year, the Ministry has another cause for excitement, as we unveil the Standards e-learning portal, designed with three modules. These modules aim to serve as a beacon, illuminating the path towards a better understanding of the vital role standards play in our world.

The three modules of the e-learning portal comprises:
Module 1: Introduction to International Standards: Providing a foundational understanding of international standards.
Module 2: Quality Promotion: Focusing on the importance of quality in products, services, and processes.
Module 3: International Standards and Public Policy: Highlighting the role of international standards in shaping public policies.

This innovative platform embodies our commitment to fostering a better understanding of standards among our stakeholders.

The e-learning portal serves five primary purposes:

Creating Awareness and ensuring that stakeholders, from businesses to consumers, gain essential knowledge about standards, empowering them to make informed decisions in a world where standards influence quality and safety.

Policy Maker Engagement: Encouraging policy makers to leverage standards and create regulations that benefit society, industry, and the environment. These standards will drive policy and legislation.

Stakeholder Connection: The portal is a gateway for stakeholders to engage with us and seek answers to questions, raise concerns, and collaboration.

Active Engagement: We’re not just launching a portal; it’s a platform for active engagement, creating a community passionate about standards.

Consumer Empowerment: Ensuring consumers understand the benefits of standards and the essence of ‘quality’ is important.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

This year’s World Standards Day theme, “Shared Vision for a Better World,” couldn’t be more relevant. It underscores the critical role that standards play in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Even though the journey towards these goals began in 2017. The Coalition Government is ensuring agencies are integrating the SDGs into our National Development Plan, for better coherence and coordination, and simply realisation of our commitments. These goals touch upon vital issues such as reducing inequalities, promoting responsible consumption and production, and addressing climate change.

But how do standards fit into this grand vision for a better world?

Standards are the silent heroes working behind the scenes to ensure that products, processes, and services adhere to the highest quality, safety, and environmental standards. International organisations like ISO, IEC, and ITU focus on the economic, environmental, and societal dimensions that underpin the three pillars of sustain able development: prosperity, planet, and people.

Let’s dive into a few concrete examples.

ISO standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 20400 guide businesses towards responsible consumption and production, aligning perfectly with SDG 12. These standards make it easier for companies to operate sustainably, fostering prosperity while respecting the planet and its people.

Looking at SDG 3—Good Health and Well-Being—ISO standards come into play as well. The ISO 11137 series ensures the sterilization of healthcare products, while ISO 7153 sets the bar for materials used in surgical instruments, ultimately improving the quality of healthcare services accessible to all.

Now, let’s turn our attention to SDG 11—Sustainable Cities and Communities. ISO standards for smart cities offer a roadmap to cities that are better equipped to provide essential resources and services, ensuring the well-being of their populations. ISO 37101, for instance, lays out the basic requirements for sustainable development in communities, helping cities determine their goals and strategies.

This Standard is dear to me and my Ministry, as we finalise the Master Plan for Viti Levu, which has sustainable cities and communities at its core. With the vision to Transform Fiji into Oceania’s capital to Live, Work and Plan. This translates to the goals of being a key economic capital of the South Pacific. Having ecological and liveable communities. And ensuring sustainable urban development.

We hope to work closely with the Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs, and Communication to see how we can incorporate this standard with the work we do.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Basically, standards are the compass guiding us towards tackling the complex challenges of sustainability, safety, security, and climate change. In my capacity as the Minister for housing and local government, I want to emphasise how this year’s theme, “Shared Vision for a Better World,” directly relates to our local government and housing initiatives.

Standards are the unsung heroes shaping our communities and guaranteeing the safety and well-being of our residents. Whether it’s ensuring the structural integrity of our buildings or promoting energy-efficient construction practices, standards play a pivotal role in creating sustainable and resilient communities capable of withstanding the trials of climate change while supporting responsible urban development.

Today, with the introduction of the e-learning portal, we aim to make standards accessible and comprehensible to all. We appreciate the contributions of our local experts, the tireless efforts of government and private agencies, and the commitment of all stakeholders who have brought us to this moment.

As we move forward, let’s remember that standards are not abstract concepts but tangible guides for our daily lives. They simplify our choices, from the energy we use to the way we construct our buildings and homes, all the while ensuring safety, sustainability, and economic growth.

Thank you and may this World Standards Day be a source of enlightenment for us all.

With these words, I wish everyone a Happy World Standards Day and I am delighted to launch the e-learning portal.

God Bless everyone here today, and God Bless Fiji.

Vinaka Vakalevu.

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