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Hon. Manoa Kamikamica

Hon. Manoa Kamikamica


Ministry of Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises and Communications


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Director for Lil Champs School, Ms.  Shabreen Khondoker,

Esteemed teachers,

Proud Parents,

Invited Guests,

And off course our incredible Kindergarten Graduates,

Today is a special day, filled with joy, laughter and a few happy tears as we close the school’s academic year.

We are here to celebrate the accomplishments, growth, and great potential of our children who are ready to journey into the next chapter of their young lives.

Boys and Girls – look how far you have come, from the first day you walked through the classroom doors, excited and maybe a little nervous, to today, standing tall and proud graduating.

Boys and Girls – each one of you has a strong desire to learn, and that’s a good thing, because it tells us you are curious to learn and become successful just like your dad and mom.

As a parent myself, I remember the magical journey of my only daughter, Anne-Marie – as parents, Anne and I saw our daughter build her character through early childhood education. It’s a special feeling for any parent, and for that reason, Ms. Shabreen, Lil Champs is a building block which prepares our children for their educational endeavours.

Boys and Girls – you have made life-long friends here and learnt the importance of sharing, caring and being kind. Today marks the beginning of your exciting adventure into learning more.

To the teachers and staff who have guided these young minds with patience and love, thank you!

Your dedication has planted the seeds of knowledge, creativity, and a lifelong love for learning. You have created a warm and nurturing environment where our graduates have not only thrived academically but have also learned important life lessons that will stay with them forever.

And now, to the parents—today is as much your day as it is your child’s. Thank you for your unwavering support, love and encouragement.

As your children take this step into a new chapter, remember that you are their first and most important teachers. Your love and guidance will continue to shape their journey ahead.

So, graduates, as you move on to the next adventure, always remember the lessons you have learned here at Lil Champs. Embrace each day with the same enthusiasm and curiosity that you brought to your first day of school. Dream big and never forget the joy that comes from discovering something new.

Congratulations, kindergarten graduates, we cannot wait to see the amazing things you will achieve. Thank you and congratulations to the Class of 2023.

Vinaka vakalevu and Thank you.

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