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Preferential Trade Arrangements (PTAs)

Generalized System of Preference (GSP)

The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) is a preferential tariff system which provides tariff reduction on various products from developing countries (beneficiary countries like Fiji). The system is non-reciprocal, which means that Fiji does not have to grant the developed country (donor country) the same tariff reductions. The GSP is designed to promote economic growth and development by promoting industrialisation and increasing and diversifying trade. It also helps to drive down the cost of imported goods for consumers in the donor countries.

The following countries grant GSP preferences to Fiji:

Armenia, Australia, Belarus, Canada, Iceland, Japan, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Norway, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, Turkey, the United States of America


The main requirement to fully take advantage of the market access opportunities is effectively meeting the rules of origin (ROO) requirement.

To be eligible for reduced or waived tariffs, exporters must provide a GSP certificate of origin (Form A) for their goods that are endorsed by a certifying authority. In Fiji, the certifying authority for GSP Form A is the Ministry of Commerce, Trade, Tourism and Transport (MCTTT).

The Form A certifies that the goods were produced in Fiji and must be presented at customs to prove their eligibility for preferential tariffs when entering the importing country.

Click Here to download and View GSP Form A

The requirements, rules and regulations applicable under the respective GSP schemes can be found in the following GSP handbooks:

The following countries do not have a handbook on GSP:

Armenia, Belarus, Iceland, Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation.

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